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The Patriotic Association "Kraja" held its annual general meeting in Staten Island, NY

Writer's picture: Agim CuraAgim Cura

The Patriotic Association "Kraja" in New York, talks about a $300,000 project plan for the construction of a bar - a restaurant for large celebrations Darsma e gazmende, with a capacity of over 500 people, presenting the model of the restaurant named "Kraja".

STATEN ISLAND NYC: The Patriotic Association "Kraja", based in Staten Island - New York, held this beginning of the year, (Sunday January 8, 2017) the annual general meeting, with the Kraja community, thus making the balance of the activities of the previous year 2016, and revealed the main objectives that this association, which is non-governmental and non-profit (NGO), has set for itself, in the USA, for 2017.

On this occasion, also, an open and very transparent debate was started on its draft plan for the construction of a new bar, restaurant for big celebrations, to be according to the presented multifunctional plan, for all the locals there in birthplace-

The meeting of the locals was held at the "Nino's" Restaurant, which has become part of the success story of the locals in New York, with the two successful businessmen, who are also their fellow residents, Mr. Agim Gjençiqin and Mr. Sulejman Dragën, who enabled the gathering in their restaurant.

"The leadership of the Patriotic Association "Kraja", said its chairman, Hamid Alaj, opening this gathering, based on the regulation of the Association in question, since its formation (January 26, 1992) until today, foresees that in based on its status, every beginning of the year it presents the report with transparency for the past year and examines and puts into open discussion by all members of the association, the objectives of the "Kraj" Country Association for the following year. "

The first meeting of the year, said the chairman of Alaj, who also leads the meeting, is always held in January, to provide information related to the activities of the Patriotic Association "Kraja" during the past year. And, those organized with the Albanian community, in New York, around it, with Albanians in general, showing what this association represents in the Albanian committee - expatriates in America, but also the community in which it lives and operates in the island of Staten Island where mostly locals live, specifically here in New York, with the surrounding area.

The head of the association, addressed the participants in this gathering, with one word as he said Krajanche, to show their ties with Kraja, even here in America. He said that when fellow citizens meet on the street, or anywhere at such a time of the day, that is, in the morning, they say: "Good night, how do you know" then allow me to tell you the same thing this morning in a meeting like this morning's; "Good night, how are you?"

Although, an evil weather of a polar cold, which has engulfed New York, the chairman appreciated the participation of those present, as quite satisfactory and qualitative from their interest.

While greeting them on his behalf, personally and on behalf of the General Council of SH. A. "Kraja", he took the opportunity to greet you and wish you well and to thank the acquaintances in the responsibility of the invitation of the association, that without hesitation they were the answers to what he said, the locals also proved by appearing in this annual meeting.

At the beginning of the gathering, the president of the association, Mr. Hamid Alaj, thanked in a special way on behalf of the locals, the two owners of the NINO"S restaurant, fellow residents, Mr. Agim Gjençiqin and Mr. Sulejman Dragën, who made the gathering possible in their restaurant, quite comfortable for such a gathering:

The gathering of compatriots was also greeted by the president of the Albanian Roots organization - Marko Kepi, and the President of the Dibra Patriotic Association, Mr. Dashi Miftari, who are from the same island, Staten Island NYC.

SH.A. Kraja on this occasion gave a thank you to their compatriot, Senior Officer, First Class Detective of the United States of America Police, the Albanian-American Xhevat Kraja, who has recently been honored by Kosovo.

Senior officer, first class detective of the police of the United States of America, the Albanian-American Xhevat Kraja, senior official of ICITAP from the USA, next to the director of the Kosovo Police, it is said by the minister of the Ministry of of Internal Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, on December 23, 2016, was decorated with the "MELDAL OF MERIT".

Meanwhile, continuing with the annual meeting, the chairman Alaj emphasized that it is a special privilege for him, that today you are in front of the countrymen, but also a special pleasure for the leader of our association, he said that we see you so enthusiastic in our invitation.

So with all the words that came out of my mouth, he added, I can say that there is no better feeling than gaining the trust of the people you represent".

Then the chairman announced that the meeting had to do with the presentation of the one-year work of the Kraja association, where in the following, he introduced the attendees to many things about the activities and works carried out by the leadership of the association in 2016, that is, within the one-year work of her.

"We are dealing with some key points, which we as the leader have determined to be discussed today in front of you in this meeting, and, also, for you to be more widely known about them", said Chairman Alaj, who once led this meeting, clarifying and answering together with the four members of the presidency, all the questions of those present.

On behalf of the leadership of J.A. KRAJA, he first presented the agenda items set for this annual meeting.

Where, the 2016 Report, started with the assistance offered by the Kraja association in 2016, and more widely, the participants were introduced by the chairman Hamid Alaj, and with a very transparent and open discussion about the project - the construction plan of a wedding restaurant in Kraja, worth about 300 thousand dollars. And, by means of a video projection, he shows in more detail, getting to know the attendees, who followed him with a lot of attention and special interest, he took into consideration their suggestions and opinions.

In this meeting, the registration of the younger members of the Association was also discussed, which Safet Doçi spoke about, and the opening of the Association's website, Dul Perashi introduced the attendees to the audience.

"During 2016, a series of activities took place in the Albanian community, where, in addition to those organized by the Kraja Association itself, with the Kraja community, said Ahmet Vela, there were also those with the Albanian community; as the Albanian Parade in New York - June 22, 2016, the celebration of the Sanctification of Mother Teresa in Battery Park Manhattan on September 4, 2016, and the magnificent evening organized by assemblyman Mark Gjonaj on November 28, 2016, which, with the participation of S.A. KRAJA, increased the relations of our association with other Albanian associations and communities here in New York, where our association said they (Ahmet Vela and Shuqo Braca) was also honored with a special recognition - from the New York Assembly"

The president of the association, Mr. Alaj, then addressed those present, saying that we have no choice but to thank the good work of all the leadership of the SA. "Kraja" who with dedication and strong dignity, good will, worked for the good of the local community here in the diaspora, but also in their homeland, who in their support, honored their fellow citizens, making many decisions, in the realization of the aid that the association donated to their homeland, where they will be more widely known after this meeting.

"We are and will remain proud of everything we have done, and will do, because we made some of our dreams come true, but it is understood that your support is what drives us to do and continue to do for the good of the association and the community that the association represents," he said.

Duke, adding that: "We should all be proud of our association because it continues the path and ideals of its founders 25 years ago, because, with all the founders, members and supporters, the foundations were laid and we continue to preserve and renew them with the greatest human dignity".

Of course, he said that all this pride expressed here is not only our achievements in the last year (2016), but will not be in the future (2017), without your support and support, dear compatriots.

We have said this and we will always say it, because if you stagnated in this way of supporting and supporting the KRAJA association, you can be sure that the association will also stagnate in the realization of the works and projects that are presented to it, but also in front of you, because there are projects and ideas to be implemented for the benefit of the local community.

Before closing his speech, the chairman of the KRAJA Patriotic Association, and the leader of the annual meeting, Hamid Alaj, wishing them a good and happy year, directs the most heartfelt thanks and the greatest gratitude to his collaborators in the year that we left behind (2016) and that I have, he said in the following years until the new leader of our association.

"A special and boundless gratitude, Alaj said, also belongs to you, dear compatriots, because since my election as President of SH. A. "Kraja", You are the ones who have placed your trust in me and whatever I do, I cannot repay your trust in me, but I guarantee you that I will continue to do everything in support of your noble aspirations" .

In the end, President Hamid Alaj called, as he said, to just move forward and the locals not to be separated from others, because the local community in America can and should move forward, like all other communities.

God bless you and your families, the region and the people of the region and all Albanians wherever they are, end the annual meeting the President of SH. A. "The end, Mr. Hamid Alaj."



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