Staten Island, NY
The constitutive meeting of the Kraja Association was held in the surroundings of the Ninos restaurant in Staten Island, and the new chairmanship was elected as well as the council that will lead the Kraja Association in the next two years.
The meeting was opened by the newly elected Chairman, Mr. Sami Kanaqi, who thanked all the participants for their participation and willingness to contribute to the activities of the Kraja Association.
In the two-year mandate, the new structure of the Kraja Association is as follows
Sami Kanaqi
Venera Ghenashaj
Musa Luka
Armend Gjecbritaj
Popopviq light
Dawn Ghenashi
Congratulations Draga
Venera Gjenashaj and Teuta Draga will lead the dance program for children.
Sports activities are under the direction of Bekim Berjash
The annual picnic will be under the direction of Safet Doçi
Lulzim Popi will be the organizer of musical evenings to collect funds for the Association's needs.
Dafina Demiri, coordinator for cooperation with American-Shiqptaro associations
Coordinator for cooperation between the Kraja Association and international associations based in Albania, Ms. Xhuljeta Perashi.
Kraja Association thanks all young activists who joined our group.
A special thanks to all those activists during the last two years and even longer, for the work and contribution they have given to the Kraja Association over the years.